Are you looking for jobs in Lubeck? You've come to the right place! Search our latest jobs in Lubeck today...

Lubeck is the 35th largest city in Germany with an estimated population of 215,846 and is situated on the Baltic coast in Northern Germany. Lubeck has seen numerous large scale construction projects over the past couple of years and has multiple large constructions projects in the pipeline, including;

Lübeck Housing First Prize Winning Proposal

The new 20,000 m2 housing typologies range from the linear residential development on the Ratzeburg Avenue through town house villas with communities to row houses. A particular focus of the design lies in the clear differentiation of the public, semi-public and private spaces.

Looking for jobs in Lubeck?

If you are looking for new jobs in Lubeck, please get in touch with our specialist recruiters to discuss your situation in more detail. Alternatively you can search all of our current live jobs in Lubeck across the Construction, Civil Engineering, Rail, Power and Telecoms sectors.

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