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3 things you shouldn’t do in an interview

​So you’ve secured an interview… congratulations! Now it’s time to demonstrate why you are the best person for the job.​We have offered a lot of advice on what you should do in an interview. In thi...

Video Interview Tips
Video Interview Tips

​If you have never done one before a video interview can feel slightly peculiar, some people feel it’s not as easy to build a rapport with the interviewer. However, there are a number of things you...

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3 ways to prove you’re ready for a promotion

​Do you feel that you have been in the same role for a long time and that you’re ready make the move up the ladder? The next step is to prove to your Manager that you’re ready for a promotion, but ...

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How should I prepare for a performance appraisal?

​An appraisal is a great opportunity for you and your Manager to discuss your performance in detail and plan what is next in terms of your career progression and professional development. So it’s i...

Engineer Salary uk
How Much Do Engineers Make?

​The most common factor for any professional considering a new job is salary. Most people, when looking for a new role, will want to see an increase in salary…. Which is understandable, but shouldn...